Friday, March 28, 2008

There can comes times in life in which you can have perfect clarity. It all seems to come together in an instant and you suddenly feel aware of everything - the past, present and future meld together to form a perfect whole. This must be, I think, what it would be like to be God. The moment, at least in my experience, lasts but a millisecond and no more. The awareness is gone and you are left with only your limited human sight. You can, however, get a hint of the frustration that would come with being able to see the whole picture and know that you are not in control and that you are powerless in the face of such magnificence. This frustration, then, can lead to either a pursuit of that glimpse of clarity you saw, or it can lead to an tantrum of anger, angst and rebellion. This last, I think, must be what it is like to be Satan.

On an unrelated note. What if what you want is highly improbable. What if the rational side of you know that it is best to focus on the probable instead of worrying about all that is possible. What if the improbable odds far out weigh the probable odds; that every fiber of you being tells you one thing, but you keep wanting the other. Does that make you a lunar? Or are you living by faith? I know, it really depends upon what the issues at hand are, but I am just curious as to whether I am truly having faith in an untenable situation, or if I am a lunar living in an out of touch reality. And this is, I think, what it feels like to be Human. I guess this is, after all, a quasi-related note.

As the door closes on Anois, these thoughts flood my head. The passages are still dingy, whether from some Hollywood sense of mood setting or simple neglect, I haven't a clue. Making my way back up to the central hub of the place, determined to explore some of the other passages, I notice a change has taken place.

There are small scribblings on the walls. The description of a scribble is not entirely accurate, though. In some spaces, the wall has been scrubbed clean and someone or something has printed in an amazingly clear and fluent print, by hand no less, the phrases, sentences and words that I see. Perhaps I could read some of them to you...*

"A deadly mistake I believe our cultures make in the pursuit of meaning is this illusion that love devoid of the sacred, a naked love, is all we need to carry us through life's tests and passions."

"Now, here is my secret: I tell you with an openness of heart that I doubt I shall ever achieve again, so pray that you are in a quiet room as you hear these words. My secret is that I need God, that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem capable of giving; to help me be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond being able to love."

"Worship provides the posture of the heart and harness the inclination of the will."

"...God conquers not in spite of the dark mystery of evil, but through it."

"Truth is true even if no one believes it, and falsehood is false even if everyone believes it."

"...meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain but from being weary of pleasure."

"We all recognize a sacred love when we see it, and we long for it. We all recognize arrogance and selfishness when we see it too. Sacred love is not without boundaries. There are lines that commitment will not cross because when they are crossed, it ceases to be love."

I don't know where these came from**, but I do sense that they are true statements. I do not know who put them here or why***, but I sense there was a purpose. I will try to copy some of these down and carry them with me, so that I can ponder them and store them in my heart. For some odd reason, I get a sense of hope with these words and phrases.

I hear a woman singing in the distance. I think I will investigate...

*All Quotes are from HERE, unless otherwise linked.

** Obviously a lie. I told you just above where they came from. And the one quote that didn't come from the same place as all the others is linked to the Amazon site of the book from which it was take. Although I got the quote from the same place as all the other quotes. I just linked the original author's book on Amazon for the sake of completeness and to avoid any potential legal things. I am fairly ignorant of copyright law, but this seems to be fair use and the reader (all one of you - maybe) is directed back to the original author. Whew. I mean I could probably go on like this for hours. I would probably end up putting a link to Llamas in here somewhere - oops, guess it is already there - AND LINKED TOO! Fun with links! Here is another link! This is least I didn't mention the moose...dang.

*** Another blatant lie in what seems to be a long string of lies. I obviously know who put them here. I even know why...

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