Monday, December 13, 2010

I have a friend, we'll just call her M, that I rather like. She is currently seeing someone and asked that "other" why he liked her. The response involved something about making him laugh, something he'd not done in a long time. A very sweet and heartfelt response, I am sure, as I have only experienced him as a nice guy. But it got me to think, what would I have said? What follows is my attempt to answer that question.

Please forgive, M, if this list seems impertinent or brash, but it is made up of what I have seen, heard, and felt.

You are beautiful. And not only physically, but of the heart. You let it show through when you think no one watching.
You have a wonderful cynicism. Odd to say, I know, but there it is.
You have an under appreciated gift of sarcasm, or you're often sardonic, I get them confused, but you know what I mean. Not a weak defense mechanism by any stretch, but an appreciation for life as it is, without giving in to hopelessness. An appreciation of the idiocies of life.
You are intelligent and it is a joy talking of higher things with you.
You are not full of yourself and it is a joy speaking of the lower things in life with you.
You have an infectious laugh, and yes, you make people laugh (in the right way). Wonderful quality, that.
You are witty, charming, have a beautiful smile, and barely disguised sweetness ( I think at times you try to hide it, but to no avail).
You care about people, and not just those people that can do something for you. You care about those that cannot and do not care for themselves.
You are a gamer girl, after that, what more really needs to be said?
You have a great smile.

I guess I could keep going on, but I think you get the point. I hope that your guy sees these things and more...

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