Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ok. Enough is enough. It is long past time to give up this self-pity-woe-is-me-pathetic-I'm-a-zombie crap. I think it is time to turn that corner. It is all but a done deal. The court date is set, and I am actually looking forward to the slight possibility that someone could care about me again. (Didn't say I wasn't going to be self centered anymore!)I think I can start to dream again.

1 comment:

ess said...

Almost 7 months later, and this is still crap. No dreams, no hope, no sense of a future...just the same bleakness of life. Now court is next month, and I only wonder how much more this is gonna cost...not only in money, but in spirit, self worth, and the ever absent hopes n dreams BS.