Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Did you ever just sit back and take stock of your life? I mean, did you ever look back and make an honest review of the things you have done, the things you have been involved in, and the basic events of your life? Every now and then I try to do a review of sorts, usually when I am feeling miserable and it is usually a not subtle cry of "pity me!" But let's be honest, how far off am I on these self assessments, even when miserable? And no, I don't want or deserve any pity.
So, for a quick review:

Education - I suppose I have been successful on that front. I do have my regrets, but that is not the same as failing. There are many times I wished that I would have done something different. But, I didn't and I cannot change that fact now. Particularly since I am now and forever more paying off those student loans.

Marriage - I have been a failure. Not sure what else there is to say, other than I could have and should have done better than I did. I keep praying for a miracle though. Maybe one day this failure will turn the corner....

Fidelity - Successful thus far. This one is easy though, for many self esteem related issues. It is like a guy who boasts about not falling in the water while walking in a desert.

Kids - I did and am doing the best I know. The kids will make their own successes and failures. I think their mother and I have done a good job though at teaching the important things.

Work - I feel as if I am a failure. Flitting from one workplace to another, am I really a quality product if I can't seem to stay still? Business is slow and that may force another move. I can't help but feel a failure on this one.

Provider - Despite my salary, I feel a failure here too. It never seems enough. It never seems like I bring home enough to satisfy the bill collectors and the family. And don't even bring up the government - taxes are a bane to any rational person, but one we tolerated at appropriate levels for the good of the community. But when the taxes reach a point that they are now, well, It is a disincentive to work any harder, because you won't see any more income. In fact, you might lose more if you work harder, because the government takes more and more and more and more and more....

Leader - Of what? Fail.

Spiritually - I don't know. I feel good at times, like I have the faith to survive the storms, but I am the first one to cry out to God to calm the storms whenever a slight breeze kicks up. So how much faith do I actually have? I cry and mope and moan and complain when things don't go my way - what does that tell you about how much trust I have in God? Thing is, I am afraid to ask for more faith - knowing that God would be more than able to provide me with opportunities to exercise my faith. Faith, like muscle, must be strained to be strengthened. Character too. Problem is, I feel like a 98 pound weakling in a Mr Universe gym.

Emotionally - I am too dysphoric to really be considered an emotional success. I am way too easily rocked by setbacks to garner many positive points in this category. I guess I could say I am emotionally stable, just on the low end of the spectrum.

Physically - Not to be overly dramatic, but there is now way I could pass muster here. Over weight and so far removed from the demi-gods of the physical beauty world, this fight was over before it began.

Materialistically - Sure, we have some toys. Computer, xbox, wii, tv, tivo, etc. Yes we have some stuff others do not have. Yes, we have been blessed in some ways. Yes, we have a nice house. And yet, I am not so sure of my own success in this area. The house is nice - nicer now that the termite damage is fixed. But I think, in the end, these things are not as important as the things I have failed - like marriage. I look at our stuff and I see things that may be nice to look at or play with, but could never replace the feeling I get from holding my wife's hand. (I wish I had done that more when I had the opportunity)

I really only had the stomach to write about these few areas, but I am sure there are more I could mention. In review, it seems as if I have failed most areas of my life with the notable exception of the kids. And I want to stress that I am not saying this to gather pity points to myself. Please, save the pity for someone who deserves it.

I wonder what the endpoint will be. At what point will the scales of life be tipped, so that I could begin to see some of the positives that I may have tucked away somewhere. I don't know the answer to that one, pretty much like I don't know the answer to most questions I pose to myself. And, for the last time, don't have any pity or bad feelings about me. Don't even let yourself slip into some form of compassion. I know what responsibility I bear in all this. I know where my may faults are located. I just wanted to write this out as a sort of declaration of where I am at this moment. I have just enough faith to perhaps, maybe, if the sun is shining right, and the flowers have just the right bloom, believe that all this could change for the better. I just want it to happen sooner...

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