Saturday, September 11, 2010

This then is my mantra, given to me be age and experience. It is based in observation and a review of the events around me. It is a mantra of self centeredness and selfishness. Do not curse me for what I have written, this is my mantra and not yours. You can argue that I am full of bs, that this mantra reflects a spoiled infant crying over drops of milk when placed in comparison to the ills of this life. So what. Take your arguments, fling them at me, assail me with your truths, it won't change a thing. As I said, this is a mantra of self centeredness and selfishness.

I hate my life.
I hate who I am and who I have become.
I deserve everything bad that happens to me.
I am a worthless SOB.
I spoil all I touch.
I am a failure.
I hurt those I love, not through intention, but through being.
I deserve to be alone.

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