Friday, February 23, 2007

Apparently I have some time on my hands today. People are not showing up for their appointments. I wonder if it has something to do with the beautiful day we are having. Here in Albany, GA is is a bright and clear 77F. Patients (clients if you prefer) have been commenting on the nice spring like weather today. A relief from the cloudy blahs of the last few days.

Here I am, doing what everyone does when they have nothing to say - talking about the weather. Quite imaginative. I have been reading Steve Berry's The Third Secret and so far enjoy the mystery. It has gotten me thinking about a number of subjects - church and travel being two of them. My grandmother was Catholic, as have any number of my friends from days gone by. Although I am more properly a Protestant, I have a fondness for the Catholic Church. I personally dislike the sectarian divides within the Christian Church, but I don't want to open that can o' worms. I am not theologically or intellectually strong enough to fight a fight that has been going on for hundreds of years. Anyway, it makes me wonder about my own faith and when I will wander back to the church and actually participate in what I believe.

Travel. I love to travel, but have limited myself for many reason - some quite illogical like a touch of social phobia. The book mentions Romania, Bosnia, Italy, etc. I would love to visit these places, despite my having, perhaps, a romanticized picture of these places in my head. I have seen pictures and they are beautiful. I would like to visit the Carpathians before I die, not sure why, but would like to none the less. Also Ireland. A bit of a jump there but loose associations are my friend. Maybe I can start making some of these ideas come true in the next few years...

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