Thursday, December 23, 2010

A list of things I've decided I don't believe in anymore. This is subject to change at my whim.

Human Love
Self worth
Rational consistency
Celebrating the "holidays"
Concept of "home"

Monday, December 13, 2010

I have a friend, we'll just call her M, that I rather like. She is currently seeing someone and asked that "other" why he liked her. The response involved something about making him laugh, something he'd not done in a long time. A very sweet and heartfelt response, I am sure, as I have only experienced him as a nice guy. But it got me to think, what would I have said? What follows is my attempt to answer that question.

Please forgive, M, if this list seems impertinent or brash, but it is made up of what I have seen, heard, and felt.

You are beautiful. And not only physically, but of the heart. You let it show through when you think no one watching.
You have a wonderful cynicism. Odd to say, I know, but there it is.
You have an under appreciated gift of sarcasm, or you're often sardonic, I get them confused, but you know what I mean. Not a weak defense mechanism by any stretch, but an appreciation for life as it is, without giving in to hopelessness. An appreciation of the idiocies of life.
You are intelligent and it is a joy talking of higher things with you.
You are not full of yourself and it is a joy speaking of the lower things in life with you.
You have an infectious laugh, and yes, you make people laugh (in the right way). Wonderful quality, that.
You are witty, charming, have a beautiful smile, and barely disguised sweetness ( I think at times you try to hide it, but to no avail).
You care about people, and not just those people that can do something for you. You care about those that cannot and do not care for themselves.
You are a gamer girl, after that, what more really needs to be said?
You have a great smile.

I guess I could keep going on, but I think you get the point. I hope that your guy sees these things and more...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I've screwed my life up so badly, I wish someone wiser than me would take it over. Why can't I bequeath what remains of my life to someone far more deserving?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I think that, a few well placed word to the contrary, I am a continual disappointment to God. I base this on my apparent lack of trust, in that I feel empty, hollow and alone. Despite what I believe to be true, I continue to fear and dread each day. Instead of being filled with joy and thanksgiving, I selfishly focus on my misery and heartache. I can't seem to move past that point, thus I am that most dispised of things, a zombie. Once full of life, now hating it. I wish God would end my existence. Sadly, I don't even know what to pray for, what I want or what to do anymore. I'm glad nobody reads this, because if they did, I wouldn't be able to live in the fantasy that maybe what I write isn't true. Skip it, I don't deserve to be happy or with someone and that's just the way it is for me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I just reread the whole mantra thing and thought, "what an ass." What a piece of self involved crap that was, don't you think? Well, this continues in that same vein...

I really need to stop looking for support from people. People don't care, and honestly, why should they? They have lives, every bit as filled with heartache and disappointments as i do, so why would I think that I deserve some special attention? I don't, plan and simple. As I devolved into a shell of my former self, as I become the zombie, I should not expect others to make that trip with me. In a not really clever way, this all becomes self fulfilling prophecy. Well, ok then, I am saying that you have an don't have to waste your life worrying about me, I think its pretty clear that I am an increasingly hopeless case. Spend your energy on someone who deserves the attention. Me, I will just drag you down with me. Let me live and die the way I was meant to, alone. Trite, i know, but I mean it completely. I am not looking for compliments or trying to guilt you into anything, i am trying to let you know that's its ok to leave me be, it is, to borrow an over used phrase, my destiny.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This then is my mantra, given to me be age and experience. It is based in observation and a review of the events around me. It is a mantra of self centeredness and selfishness. Do not curse me for what I have written, this is my mantra and not yours. You can argue that I am full of bs, that this mantra reflects a spoiled infant crying over drops of milk when placed in comparison to the ills of this life. So what. Take your arguments, fling them at me, assail me with your truths, it won't change a thing. As I said, this is a mantra of self centeredness and selfishness.

I hate my life.
I hate who I am and who I have become.
I deserve everything bad that happens to me.
I am a worthless SOB.
I spoil all I touch.
I am a failure.
I hurt those I love, not through intention, but through being.
I deserve to be alone.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

There comes a time when you simply have to face reality. I mean, sit down and stare reality in the face and say, "OK reality, show me what you've got." I'm not sure that this is one of those times. Maybe it is, I really don't know anymore. From my point of view, I've been staring at reality too long and it is an ugly SOB. Of course, the reality we each stare at is a reality of our own creation. Through action, or lack thereof, we mold the ugly mug we stare at day after day. If that reality leaps up and bites your face off, its only because we gave it the fangs. If reality unzips and pisses all over your face, all the while laughing like a maniac, it is because of all the juice we've forced it to drink; the juice of our own ignorance or the juice of unrequited anger/love/remorse, it really doesn't matter.

Me, I gave reality a freakin shovel and said, "start digging you stupid bastard!" And dig it did. I am now so far in the hole that sunlight has become a myth. I'm not sure even God can see me down here. And its my fault, no one else's. Great thing is, while I've been feeding reality all the red meat it can eat, its been deficating down the same hole. I don't think reality hears me any more, it is too far above me. But it stares at me, and waits. Waits to spring into action and rip me apart. I wish it would hurry....

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My youngest child sat me down tonight and schooled me about my life. With wisdom seldom seen in a 15 year old, he told me that I deserved to be happy and to be with someone better for me. Amazing.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's not so much a question of what God CAN do, but rather what He is WILLING to do. And I don't mean that in a malicious or irreverent way. God can do whatever He chooses, He is God afterall. I am stuck with thinking that God is unwilling to do, for whatever reason. And again, I am not accusing Him of any maliciousness, because I am sure that whatever reasons He has for not doing are good and pure. Again, He is God. I do not understand His reasons, but His ways are higher than mine. Question is, I feel so miserable, is that a sign of a lack of faith? Is He not responding because I lack faith or diligence, or trust, or a myriad of other things I lack? These things I don't know. I feel like a child.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I am tired. Really. I heard a sermon on regaining your strength; a sermon on renewing yourself. I came away realizing that I am one lousy Christian. I am just so tired of it all. I almost wished I believed in suicide, but for now I do not. I just wish God would release me from this burden called life. I don't need a crown, or gold covered streets, I just need to be in His proximity. I don't need accolades or honors, I don't need to be recognized. I just need to rest. I want out, and there is no way out. The one who holds the key is not letting me out and I cannot fathom why. I am told i should just trust Him....and that is why I am such a lousy follower. I obviously don't trust Him enough, it shows in how I act, feel and think. Still, I wish God would allow me out. I can't stand my heart being torn to pieces, gaping holes in my soul. It seems the whole two become one thing was pretty one sided, and I don't have the gumption to survive. God, please let me out..........I hate what I am, who I am becoming, and where I am in life. I want to die, not to kill myself...can you see the difference? I guess at this point I am just rambling, so nevermind......

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

There has been a lot of tragedy least that is the way it seems right now. It has served to remind me that we never know what life may hold or when life may end. I know I've been on the dysphoric side lately, but this is in no way related to suicide. I am talking about everyday life and the rapidity with which it can change or end. As such, I wonder how do I say goodbye to those I love, how do I leave a final message as it were? That is what this post is about. I will try to keep this short, we all know I can ramble on endlessly. Perhaps I can be mire specific in a future post (if there is time (morbid lol)).

Boys: each of you added your own rich texture to my life. I love each of you completely. In this there is no competition. You each have your unique qualities and I love each of them. You are my real treasure in life and I thank you for sharing it with me. Forgive me for not being the father I could've been, and thank God for the things I got right. If I have any advise, it is this: love God, follow His word, do not mourn or weep for me, stay in school, work hard, and don't be afraid to love. God will always take care of you, trust Him in all things. I know I was not the best example of trusting God, but I have faith that you can build from what feeble attempts I made. I love you guys.

Jill: what can I say? I made a promise to you in March of 1990, and while I have never believed myself to be perfect, I do know that I gave it my all. You were my LOML. I'm sorry I never quite measured up to your expectations. I pray that God richly blesses you. I don't think I can ever stop loving you.

M: thanks for being an unobtainable breath of fresh air. You will never know, and for that I am thankful. God bless.

More to follow as life permits....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The zombie meme.

Do you think that zombies ever think to themselves (to the extent they do think) that they don't want to go on? Do they desire death, but some force drives them on, even against their desires? Do they realize that what they are now bears little resemblance to who they were when they were alive? Do they mourn their losses, including the loss of their humanity? I do. Because I do.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The zombie meme continues.

Every day I become more zombie like. I shamble through a life devoid of meaning or beauty. Only consuming. I have become mindless, not knowing my own objectives, not paying any heed to where I am going. I consume. I only feel some remnant of life, what it was like before. My advise, stay away. Zombies only destroy and consume.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

I have decided that I am a zombie. Strange, I know, but would you expect anything different? Why a zombie? Do I suffer from Cotard's psychosis? Am I on something? Little too much of the mother nature, perhaps? In reverse order, the answers are: don't smoke, should be, no, and let me explain. First though, we have to define "zombie." I think that in this context, I am referring to the classic horror movie image of a zombie: slow moving, brainless, oblivious to the obvious, wanting to taste life without understanding why, getting no nourishment out of whatever legend is tasted, and finally, destructive to the very life it craves. In a mysanthropic, some would say dyphoric review of myself, I would say I fit these qualities. Therefore, I am a zombie.

More later........

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I grow more hopeless everyday. I sound so maudlin (if I even spelled it correctly). I am pathetic. A waste. And I wish there was a way out. Why doesn't God answer me? Perhaps He too has given up on me, but I don't think that's in His nature, unlike me. How did it get to this...I hate this, I hate me.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's getting harder and harder to maintain daily functions. I find that I am not thinking as clearly, I am easily agitated, I am almost constantly overwhelmed...even by the simplest of tasks. I'm losing it, I'm afraid. I am so desperate for this all to end. But not by my own hand. I keep asking God to finish this once and for all; begging for that unbearable pressure in my chest, or that rending of my brain in a swift and deadly stroke. So far, He has rejected my pleas. How long, how long...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

You know, its not as if I haven't tried. I have. Or at least I think I have. And yet I still feel as if there is nothing left. I am tired of clawing every day just to keep my head out of the shit; I am tired of failing every day. I really just want to say F it to everything, but I don't have whatever it takes to do that. It pisses me off that I am such a pathetic specimen, no wonder women don't want me - who in their right mind would want a guy that thinks he is a pathetic loser (and proves it daily). I am F'd, and I've done it to myself. And no, don't have any sympathy or pity for me, I simply don't deserve it. This is my bed of shit, I guess I have to lay in it; I just wanna know how long I gotta keep myself from drowning. I so very much want to let go...but I cant, that's God's choice, not mine.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I am ready to give up. I don't mean in a suicidal way...truthfully, I don't really know what I mean. I just know that I am tired. I have no peace, no hope, no future, nothing. Each day is something to be suffered, not enjoyed as God intended. I wish God would just end this......

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hi! Box here. I have time for one story tonight. I remember being on display after I was formed. I would sit on the shelf, waiting as they would come in a browse. All sorts of collectors, dreamers and buyers would visit the shop and gaze in wonder at the treasures. One day, the most amazing dreamer came in; a blond sprite, with earthly eyes and long slender fingers. I watched as she picked up first one, then another of my brothers. Well, you can certainly guess where this is going...she picked me! She was a woodland innocent, quietly hiding her secrets with me! Oh what a glorious time we had...sailing the seas, plumbing the depths of the forest parks, visiting the deep seas. Ah, in my age, I still remember, and I still rejoice at the thought of my woodland sprite...


*Montropy: (n): 1. A neologism, derived from the unintended convergence of mental and entropy. 2. Scattered and increasingly disorganized thoughts and memories.

When I was in the 5th grade, I wanted desperately to learn how to play the trumpet. I think this desire came after seeing "Three Coins in a Fountain." One day, in a fit of frustration, I bent the bell of the trumpet. I felt so ashamed, that I never played the trumpet again. I still regret it.

In another fit of anger, I once signed a paper for school with my birth name. My dad saw it, but never said anything. I still very much regret hurting him.

I miss my dad.

I miss my father-in-law.

Why do I like the soundtracks for movies that headline Ellen Page?

I love the smell of a crisp autumn day. And my children. (I still enjoy smelling their hair)

I feel so helpless and lost most of the time, despite knowing what I have to do.

I hate betrayal.

I have amazing nieces. They are such different people, but both so wonderful.

Why is it I can see the glory of God in the bee, in the sunset and in the genome, but I can't see it at work in me?

Why am I fascinated by Wendingo Psychosis, Capgras, Cotard's and Fergoli's psychosis?

Monday, April 05, 2010

Hi! My name is..., well to simplify things, you can just call me "Box." OK then, blogging. Never thought I would actually be one of those "bloggers", but here I am filling cyberspace with stuff. Not really sure what I am supposed to say here...I guess I could tell you a little something about myself. I will try to make it sound good, this is my fifteen minutes afterall, but don't expect much. I am used to things being put in me or taken out of me, not really used to producing things. Anyway, here goes...

I was made some years ago, during the hippy years. I was put together with the upmost care and decorated with pride. Oh, how lovely I looked! And my lining, oh yes, my lining was the softest of velvet. You see, I was not created to be some cardboard throw-away, no, I was a keepsake, a treasure box, if you will. Made of the finest of woods, with a skilled craftsman forming my essence. When I was first put on display, hopes were high for what you might call my destiny...

Gotta go now blog, my hinges are aching and I need to rest. I will try to continue my story soon! G'night.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I feel like it is all slipping away. I know, I know, it all slipped away years ago, but give me a break on that one. What I am talking about is the sense of family, even with my boys. I feel disconnected and unwanted by the youngest, though in my heart I know that's probably not true. The oldest continues to butt heads with his mother and I, and when he does, the things he says tear out a little bit more of my heart. The middle one, with whom I feel the closest (at this moment) is getting so very independent, independent beyond his years.

I know this is probably a phase, but I dont like feeling so...disconnected...from them.

Friday, January 01, 2010

I stood alone at the beach tonight. Small groups of revelers surrounded me, waiting for the fireworks to begin. The air was pleasant, with a chilly wind blowing. The moon, a blue moon, came out from behind the clouds and cast shadows on the sand.

The fireworks were wonderful. And I felt content for the moment. Thank God for small joys...